In complete safety

Découvrez comment TELEFLOW adapte ses produits sur tous les véhicules de sécurité civile Read the study Contact us

Adaptable to all vehicles
of Civil Security

Civil security is the public service for organizing relief and crisis management. Its purpose is to prevent risks, inform and alert the population and protect people, property and the environment against natural and/or non-natural incidents. The intervention can take place after the event. The operational teams intervene throughout the national territory and have the capacity to provide support at the international level (fire service, personal assistance, disaster relief). The majority of countries in the world have these forces necessary to maintain the security of infrastructures and populations.

The strength of the units that make it up lies mainly in their adaptability to the various interventions entrusted to them. This adaptability is taken into account when specifying the means that must equip these rescuers, particularly their vehicles.

civil protection vehicle
civil protection vehicle

TELEFLOW développe une gamme de produits permettant aux véhicules équipés de répondre instantanément aux situations complexes qu’ils rencontrent. Le système de télégonflage (CTIS) permet d’adapter la pression des pneumatiques des véhicules aux différents terrains sur lesquels ils évoluent lors des interventions. Le passage rapide d’un sol dur et stable à un sol meuble, de l’asphalte à du sable ou de la boue, génère un comportement dynamique sensiblement différent qu’il s’agisse de poids-lourds ou de véhicules légers. Contrôler et régler la pression des pneumatiques en mouvement grâce au système de Gonflage en Roulant Automatisé (GRA) permet de conserver une traction optimisée en fonction des variations du terrain (route, piste, sable), de la vitesse, et de la charge transportée (intervenants, matériels, victimes, citerne pleine ou vide, etc.).

In addition to improved mobility thanks to this increased traction, the TELEFLOW system ensures safe intervention thanks to overspeed warning, detection and compensation of punctures.

The simple integration of a remote inflation system adapted to all types of vehicles allows manufacturers and bodybuilders to improve the movement capacities of vehicles as soon as they go into series production. Public authorities can therefore save the potential of disproportionate (heavier and more expensive) vehicles such as helicopters or tracked vehicles. This is why many SDIS (Departmental Fire and Rescue Services) have long since adopted TELEFLOW systems on board their vehicles, to the great satisfaction of their equipment managers.